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가져간 바람둥이..

NearFondue PopupNotice_plugin
7 일동안 열지 않음 close

Category : 데이터뱅크/Web
This fix is deprecated and is no longer supported (meaning that I will not help you to get it working with your pages). It was only written to fill the gap while waiting for Internet Explorer to implement PNG alpha. That has now happened in IE 7. Although this fix can make it work in IE 6 as well, that is counter productive for the future of the Web. IE 6 is a major problem to Web developers (IE 7 is a problem as well, but for now, let's overlook that, since it does at least implement PNG alpha), and the sooner it stops being used, the better.

Instead of using this hack, users of IE 6 should be encouraged to upgrade to IE 7. Users who cannot upgrade to IE 7 (because IE 7 is not being released for most Windows operating systems) should use a better browser, such as Opera or Firefox. They have been abandoned by Microsoft.

This is not valid CSS, and it may cause problems in IE 7. If you want to make it valid, you can put the extra CSS in a conditional comment, and use that to protect IE 7, make it work in IE 5.5-6, and allow your page to validate. However, this would need to contain one CSS rule for each image, as the filter needs to be different for each image. For this reason, I assign an ID to each span, and then use the ID to set the filter.

set css mark

scrap from How To Create

And another road

include js or head area

set css mark

insert code

only <img> not op <background>
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author image
LonnieNa 입니다.
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  1. IRis.comment_type_icon
    2008/12/11 00:10  PERMALINK  MODIFY/DELETE  REPLY

    what? ㅋㅋㅋ


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